Hypermesh: Reloading the main panel

I know there is a workaround to this, but this issue has been around for several versions now with now real fix to it (that I know about). If you move the Hypermesh window from one screen to another, or sometimes when you detach the window and it gets resized really small, the main panel (the one at the bottom with the radio buttons) gets resized and keeps pushing the radio buttons and last column to the right. This is a known issue at least since 2014, as shown in this thread. I was wondering if, at least for this problem, there is a way to reload the main panel using TCL-TK, or if there is a possibility to create a script to do this, so that we can run that script whenever the panel goes crazy.
If you want to reload panels. Try change userprofile to another then change back
panel codes are in hm core (like graphic engine) . there are some tcl command to customize it, but not for user