How to create a list of area, volume and total mass for all components
Hi all,
I was wondering if it would be possible to generate a table of components, with the area, volume and total mass.
It would look something like this:
myFilename.txt or myFilename.csv (at least a text-based file format)
ComponentID1, ComponentName01, Area, Volume, TotalMass
ComponentID2, ComponentName02, Area, Volume, TotalMass
et cetera
Previously, I have used Tools > Mass calc, and then manually noted down the values in an Excel file.
My model is becoming to big at the moment to keep working like that.
Kind regards,
Try my script. Here's is output for my test:
ID,Name,Area,Volume,Mass 22,m_QUAD4,4.02940827E+002,6.04411241E+002,4.71440768E-006 24,m_QUAD8,4.00000000E+002,6.00000000E+002,4.68000000E-006 31,m_TET4,0.00000000E+000,3.91417029E+003,3.05305282E-005 32,m_TET10,0.00000000E+000,3.91417029E+003,3.05305282E-005
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I have downloaded your script, and try to use it via:
File > Run / Tcl/Tk script
I am given the opportunity to select a component then, and to click Proceed.
It seems like something is happening, but it took quite long.
Hence, I did setup a small model of just a simple beam that is loaded on one side, and constrained on the other.
Again I ran the script, choose the component, but nothing seems to happen.
Do you mind sharing your source code, or explain how you would access the values (area, volume, mass)?
Kind regards,
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Here's new version. You'll asked to save directly into CSV file.
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There is an available macro in tab Utility>Tool>Component Table, that you can use to export component information (Name, Id, mass,...) to CSV file
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Thanks, the script works /emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />