Help With Meshng

I'm a beginner in HyperMesh.
I am trying to perform shell meshing on the one of the tutorial file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>.
I have followed the following steps:
i. Created the mid-surface.
ii. Created the washer around the two holes.
iii. Divided into whole surface into two parts.
But,I couldn't get a nice mesh flow.
In general,how to perform the meshing,is it always performing the automesh, and then varying the mesh density.
I would really appreciate,if anyone could provide me an insight about these.
Thanks & Warm Regards,
Akshay S Patil
Altair Forum User said:
I'm a beginner in HyperMesh.
I am trying to perform shell meshing on the one of the tutorial file
I have followed the following steps:
i. Created the mid-surface.
ii. Created the washer around the two holes.
iii. Divided into whole surface into two parts.
But,I couldn't get a nice mesh flow.
What do you mean 'nice mesh' ?
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I aim to obtain a mesh,which mainly consist of quad elements.
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Based on the type of analysis we do meshing....
Crash analysis: adding trias for better mesh flow since minimum element size is the major criteria with other element quality check.
Structural analysis:Avoid tria near critical region or near to boundary condition.
In hypermesh we have automesh command with mesh type set to quad would help you to generate dominant no of quad elwment..
Quad only type is also available but it may lead to get worst element quality.only for specific type of analysis like axisymmetric analysis,where only quad are needed.
Overall for good meshing best command in hypermesh is automesh with proper splitting of parts using quick edit and remeshing option for proper flow.
Ruled ,spline ,skin ,drag command would help you to get good mesh.
Hence type of analysis is important before meshing.Good meshing is something which will come with experience.
We recommend you to download FEA guide from Altair university which is available for student for detailed information.
Rahul R
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Thanks Rahul, appreciate the help.
I ll go through the FEA guide book,and try to come up with what I am looking for.