Hardware Performance Inspire

I was wondering if there is an option to boost the performance which Inspire will use during an optimization or analyses?
The problem at the moment is that Inspire doesn't use its true potential of the available performance of my workstation.
I've already tried to change some stuff in the preferences of Inspire but nothing helps, not even allocating the maximum RAM my workstation has available to the use of Inspire.
CPU usage: max 10-12%
RAM usage: max 33%
No GPU usage (i believe other meshing and solvers are capable of using GPU power aswell)
Workstation specs:
OS: Win 7 64
2x Intel Xeon X5650 2.66 GHz
Nvidia Tesla C2050 (2687 MB)
Nvidia Quadro 2000 (1023 MB)
Using Inspire build 4940
Thanks in advance!
Inspire can use multiple processors, but its performance depends on the model size. Larger the model (complex optimizations) show better performance gains with multiple processors. For smaller models, user typically don't see much gain as anyways models run fast, with multiple processors it takes longer time in communicating data packages between processors.
RAM usage is totally depend on the model size. Inspire will use as much RAM it needs. That said, I would love to see your particular application and if there is anything can be done to improve performance. Sending you my contact information in private message.