missing white spaces in grid data in exporting mesh

Hello everyone,
I am having trouble exporting the mesh from Hypermesh. Some white spaces separating the fields are missing.
*) With the RADIOSS profile, the first three nodes of the grid data look like this.
1 10.4352852680878 0.374999999999996 1.69690861652916
2 10.0920996147679-3.8857805861880E-15 1.59540682856021
3 10.2957517115474-3.5527136788005E-15 1.49409343503715
*) The situation is even worse with OptiStruct. The output file (first three nodes) looks like this.
GRID 1 10.435290.375 1.696909
GRID 2 10.0921 0.0 1.595407
GRID 3 10.295750.0 1.494093
I don't want to create white space manually because the meshes I work with, in general, contain thousands of nodes. So, I need a proper solution for this issue. I am using the HyperWorks14.0 - student version.
Altair Forum User said:
Hello everyone,
I am having trouble exporting the mesh from Hypermesh. Some white spaces separating the fields are missing.
*) With the RADIOSS profile, the first three nodes of the grid data look like this.
1 10.4352852680878 0.374999999999996 1.69690861652916
2 10.0920996147679-3.8857805861880E-15 1.59540682856021
3 10.2957517115474-3.5527136788005E-15 1.49409343503715*) The situation is even worse with OptiStruct. The output file (first three nodes) looks like this.
GRID 1 10.435290.375 1.696909
GRID 2 10.0921 0.0 1.595407
GRID 3 10.295750.0 1.494093
I think this is 'fixed format' of Optistruct. No spaces, no problem
/emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' /> because the reader will work on the length of input data.
Have a look at Reference Guide:
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Hi Chenna,
As Nguyen-Dai told this is a fixed format. We suggest you to install Textpad and open the starter (_0000.rad) file in Textpad which shows better alignment of keywords and numbers.
As a general note, for nodes in RADIOSS the format is as shown below.
For more information please go through the Reference Guide of RADIOSS, which can be downloaded from http://forum.altairhyperworks.com/index.php?/topic/20652-radioss-2017-reference-manual-documents-user-guide-and-tutorials/
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Thank you Nguyen and George, for your answers.
Unfortunately, they do not help my cause. I am using Hypermesh only to generate meshes for my in-house FEA code. So, the RADIOSS reader does not help me. I have to have the coordinate with some delimiter which I can process to be readable into my code.
Textpad is my default text editor. I also opened the .rad files in Notepad, Wordpad and MS Word, and I didn't see any difference in the format. I have attached the file for your reference. Please not me know if I am doing something wrong.
The only option I can think of now is to generate to an AWK script to break the coordinates. I must say that this is very inconvenient. Please let me know if there is any other way around this.
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Hi , you can try this way
- use optistruct profile
- set up a temporary loadcase (just to run optistruct)
- enter analysis > control cards> ECHO : this will make OS write out GRID, ELEMENT,.. to *.out file
- export data to *.fem file
- to activate comma delimiter when OS echo, open *.fem file and add line 'ECHOON PARSED' below the line 'ECHO'
- save *.fem file and run OS, then open *.out file to copy data with comma delimiter
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You have several posibilities:
- Write you code to read 'fixed format' output of Optistruct. Also try 'long fixed format' yet?
- Write yourself a FE output template to export the mesh directly into your in-house software format.
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Thank you all for your answers.
I did not like Tinh's solution because I do not like the idea of running a solver simply for the sake of obtaining a better format for the mesh data. It is cumbersome.
@Nguyen, I could not figure out what 'fixed format' and 'long fixed format' are. I don't see them in v14.0.
I solved my problem by
1.) developing a simple awk script for the file generated using v14.0,
2.) installing 2017 version in which Optistruct has 'free format' which exports the data in comma separated format which I can process easily.
Thank you.
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Altair Forum User said:
Thank you all for your answers.
@Nguyen, I could not figure out what 'fixed format' and 'long fixed format' are. I don't see them in v14.0.
I found in my HW v14:
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Well there is actually 2 solutions :
%% First one : Standard format. In this case the *fem file is written like
GRID NumOfNode XCoordYCoordZCoord % NB = XCoord, YCoord and ZCoord contain 8 characters, It's easy to write a code to separate all this things
%% Second One : Long Format. In the second case, the *fem file can be read easily !!
GRID* NumOfNode XCoord YCoord
* ZCoord
Cheers !