Optimization using GA

Hello everybody,
I am completely new to Hyperstudy and I try to optimize the fiber orientation.
For this purpose, I modeled a square plate with 4 elements. For the boundary conditions I fixed one edge in x and z direction and the adjacent edge in y and z direction to allow contraction. Now I put an enforced displacement of 1mm in x direction.
What I want to do is to give each element a random fiber angle and then to optimize them so that all of the 4 elements are rearranged in x direction.
In Hyperstudy I parameterize the .fem file to create the 4 design variables (fiber angles). To define the responses I tried to read out the scalar compliance value so that I can use it in HyperStudy but I haven't found a solution yet.
As an alternative I try to read out the minimum element strain energy using the resvector function and the .res file and then maximize it due to the enforced displacement. But I am not sure if this is the best solution.
If anybody has a solution, I would be glad.
As a contraint I limit the element stresses.
Another problem is that during the optimization HyperStudy seems to automatically create bounds for the responses like +-10% which will always be violated and thats why optistruct crashes that often.
Is there any possibility to delete or at least change these bounds?
Thanks in advance.
In the optimization approach of HyperStudy, or the during the Setup approach phase, there is a step Select/Define design variables. You can change the bounds at this point.
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I don't mean the design variables. During the evaluation bounds for the responses, e.g. bounds of +-10% of the initial compliance value from the nominal run are shown in the evolution and iteration plot , that I have never defined.