Xopt User-Defined Optimization Engine

Hello everybody,
for my masters thesis, i want to implement a user-defined optimization engine. I've read and understood the related section in HyperStudy help but there are some Questions left (1 and 2 maybe because i'm not a programmer):
1. Since an executable file has to be provided, should i set specific compilation flags or similar?
2. I assume program language plays no role. But should i compile for 32 or 64bit?
(Running Windows 7, 64 bit OS; HyperWorks installed in 'C:\Program Files\' , therefore is 64bit, right?)
3. Is there maybe a simple example xopt program code for learning purposes?
Thanks for any hints!
Hi Christof,
1. Since an executable file has to be provided, should i set specific compilation flags or similar?
Not that I know of
2. I assume program language plays no role. But should i compile for 32 or 64bit? (Running Windows 7, 64 bit OS; HyperWorks installed in 'C:\Program Files\' , therefore is 64bit, right?)
Languages do not play a role AFAIK, I would compile for 64 bit.
3. Is there maybe a simple example xopt program code for learning purposes?
There is an Xopt example in the installation directory.
C:/Program Files/Altair/13.0.110/hst/bin/win64/xopt.exe
In 13 and 14, you can see this under Edit-Register External Optimizer.
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Thanks Prakash Pagadala!
Altair Forum User said:There is an Xopt example in the installation directory.
C:/Program Files/Altair/13.0.110/hst/bin/win64/xopt.exe
In 13 and 14, you can see this under Edit-Register External Optimizer.
...right, i found that one, but it comes without code. With this executable, i can test how to run ready xopt processes, but still have no guide on how to structure my own program. So i would have to learn from scratch.
Maybe you or someone else knows, where to get a simple xopt code?
(...found nothing searching the net, this issue seems very special)
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Is it just on my end.... I can not open this sample xopt binary.
Best regards,
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Altair Forum User said:
Is it just on my end.... I can not open this sample xopt binary.
Did you register it in HyperStudy? (Edit -> Register Optimzier). I'm afraid, I have no Study ready, to test its operability...
Back to topic: I still hope, that someone could share his knowledge, where to get simple/basic xopt code?
(I'm not asking for the results of your hard work, only for some elemental example framework to help me learn!)
Likewise, any hints on where to find some more instruction beyond HyperWorks help would be very much appreciated, since the help files provide not enough detail at all, only a very sketchy overview.