Correlation and updating of a model
I develop in my society the correlation between experimental test and numerical model. I want to use HyperWorks for this.
I see that it's possible (and easy) to build a MAC matrix between results. But I would like to know if it's possible next to do an automatic update of the model ?
If I have a bad correlation between results, is it possible to choose several parameters in my model (material properties, geometry structure, stiffness, mass, etc.), and perform an automatic optimization of this parameters for find a new model which will have a good correlation with experimental results ?
I would like to know if a module of HyperWorks allows this or we can just see the correlation between results with MAC matrix.
Thank you for your help,
Hi Quentin,
Hyperstudy is the right tool to go for optimization.I would suggest you to refer below tutorial of material calibration.See attached screenshot.
If you are looking for extraction of mac value in hyperstudy then i am not sure. However, there is a workaround using a HyperMath script.
That HyperMath script needs to be registered as a function in HST and needs to be called.Please refer above tutorial to get some idea & let us know if you need any help.