Hypermesh to Fluent/Openfoam > Inlet/Outlet patches
Hello all,
I've been struggling to convert my hypermesh mesh to fluent or openfoam, end station is OpenFOAM. In the attachment is my design domain I've meshed with a structured hex mesh (necessary).
What i've done:
1. Import .stl or .step > 2D Shrinkwrap > All hex
2. Create components for the inlet/outlet and wall patches: Collector > create > components > inlet/outlet/wall
What should be done:
3. Assign surfaces to this components.
What is going wrong is I can only add elements to the components but OpenFOAM requires surfaces. How can I create these as shown in the attachment.
Any help is appreciated.
Tool => faces => Select volume elements to extract the face => Organize faces into components for Fluent.