Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Dear Sirs,


I have an antenna design ready and i need optimize some parameters in the design in order to improve the performance, like the SLL and the BW.

In OPTFEKO module the goals are very limited.

For example, for the far field we only can calculate the maximun or the average... I need for example calculate de SLL.... Is possible with editfeko or another module.... I dont know..


I understand that in each iteration the program calculates  far field, so i only need process this result and take a value (the SLL for example or another) and use this in the goal function with the correct weight.





  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2015

    This design may benefit from the specification of an optimisation mask - a given output series of values can be optimised with respect to the mask.


    We have two pages on our website describing this feature with some examples. The example files are available as attachments but you will need to be logged in to see them. A login can be requested.

    (Please note that due to the pending migration of the existing content on the old FEKO website, www.feko.info , to the Altair website I cannot provide the direct links since they will expire soon and the new ones are not ready yet.)


    At this point in time I suggest you search for the following pages on www.feko.info entitled as follows:

    'Microstrip Filter Optimisation Using Masks'


    'Optimisation with FEKO'


    Update: See https://insider.altairhyperworks.com/microstrip-filter-optimisation-using-masks/ for the example mentioned above. Refer to the User Guide (chapter on Optimisation in Feko and section on OPTFEKO) for more information.