Problem opening results in Hyperview

Hi all,
I'm new to Hyperworks, I have an academic license, and I installed the v11 version (because my computer is 32 bit and I understand that's the last version I can install).
My problem is after I run an analysis and try to open the results in Hyperview, I get the following error:
invalid command name 'pagehw-9995144'
invalid command name 'pagehw-9995144'
while executing
'# Compiled -- no source code available
error 'called a copy of a compiled script''
(procedure '::fepre::AppendSessionFile' line 1)
invoked from within
'::fepre::AppendSessionFile 'C:/Users/jose/Desktop/centroLlanta/analisis/barra.mvw''
I've tried opening the results in Hyperview but I get error messages as well. I've also checked that I've done everything correctly and I think so: if I run a check instead of an analysis, the program says 'Input data checked ok', and I run the analysis it says 'analysis completed'. It is only when I click on the Hyperview button that I have the problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Josema_1990,
Are you trying to open a .MVW file?
Can you try opening a h3d file instead?
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Hi Prakash,
Thanks, I finally solved it by opening with Hyperview and opening the h3d files directly. It still displays the error message when I try to open the results directly, but I'll just open them with Hyperview. It's a tiny bit slower but it doesn't matter.