Boundary layer Mesh for external aerodynamics
I am trying to create a boundary layer mesh around a sphere. It is non uniform boundary layer, what I mean is I am fully aware of how to create a volume mesh with boundary layers. But what I dont know is how I can create a varying number of boundary layers within the domain. Say closer to the sphere, I want 20 layers and near the inlet I need 10 layers. Is there way to create this within Hypermesh?
could you share some snapshot of your model for better understanding?
Rahul R
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Hi Rahul,
Thank you. Please find the snapshots attached. Geom.jpg is the domain that I am trying to mesh. It's a simple one with sphere, rod and a wire wrapped to it inside a box.
The picture1.png is the mesh that I am trying to replicate in Hypermesh. You can see it is jaggered with multiple refinement zones and different meshing parameters for each of them. Can I do this is in Hypermesh, if yes can you please help?
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You want only hex mesh or tetramesh is fine in your case?
Rahul R
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi @Rahul R
Any pointers will be helpful.
You can not make this such CFD mesh (as your image) with Hypermesh, IMHO (maybe I'm wrong? @Rahul R ?)
You can not change the number of BC layers neither. But it's possible to make layers with variable thickness.
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Thank you @Q.NGUYEN-DAI & @Rahul R
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In acuconsole & VWT it is possible to achieve such mesh using tetrahedral element.(Both are HW product)
Rahul R