Motionview interface nodes

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hi, I'm trying to make a simulation in Motionview's suspension car model, i was looking in the tutorial to convert rigid bodies to flexible bodies, and replace the Front Lower Arm for my Lower control arm, so, i did old process described in the manual, i specify the interface nodes, but when i start the simulation a window pops up saying, that the there isn't nodes of the suspension connected with the nodes of my LCA, and review the connections with the nodes.


The process that i was following was:

1. Use flexprep tool.

2. Create a superspider, but here i have a question: the superspider has to be created only in the Lower control arm joint, or has to be created in the other hole where the bushings are located, or has to be a RB2 connection in the bushings?.

3. Press locate and type the number of node of interface. Press Nodes and aling my LCA. 

4. Check the model. Is here where the window pops up. 

