General composite pre-proc. for OptiStruct

i have some difficulties regarding composite pre-processing. For my composite analysis (a basic rectangle plate with tension and bending load) I made following requests:
- CFAILURE (h3d,NDIV=1) = ALL in CASE_UNSUPPORTED_CARDS (for max strn failure criteria or let's say a specified failure criteria)
- SRCOMPS (VALUE: YES) for the strength ratio
In HyperView, I can't see my SR-results. The results i get by the listed requests are:
- Composite Failure (should be design load/allowable load; am I right?)
- Composite Strains
- Composite Stresses
- Composite Strength => Is this the strength ratio?
Best regards
Hi Musti,
Yes, composite Strength is written to H3D because of composite strength ratio output in PARAM.
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Hi Prakash,
thank you for your quick reply. The strength ratio (SRCOMPS) is defined as 1/(Failure index) for max. strn criteria. I've just checked the composite strength (strength ratio) by dividing 1 by the failure index as described in SRCOPMS and the value was correct. I was a bit confused due to the new denotation.
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Thanks for the update Musti
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