Composite Crashbox with failure criteria Puck

i want to simulate a crashbox, which is between two rigid walls. One of the rigid wall is fixed the other one is moving down.
I use for the simulation HyperMesh and RADIOSS (Block120 Format Student Edition). The Material Law is defined as LAW 25. The laminate
is built with the property Type17 and Type19. Is this kind of composite description enough? The Puck criteria is described in the property FAIL/PUCK.
When I start the simulation, I get the ERROR ID: 59, 61 and 760.
Can anyone help me?
Best wishes,
Hi Tobi,
Have you assigned PART card image to the components?
What type of element was used for crash box?
If it is solid, then PROP/TYPE17, 19 is not compatible with Solid elements.
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Hi Prakash,
thank you for your answer! I solve the problem with /DEF_SHELL (QEPH) formulation.
Best wishes,