dynamic analysis on a front suspension

Please let me know how to perform dynamic analysis on a front wheel suspension not on a full model vehicule, because my work is to analyse the front area and i don't have the complete model.
Can you explain what you mean by just suspension?
You can do a frontal car analysis which includes front suspension
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The case i'm studying is a front suspension dynamic analysis, but among standard templates there is front suspension and full vehicule. For full vehicule choices in task wizard are dynamic analysis while in front suspension there is only quasi statique and static analysis. My question is how can i perform dynamic analysis on a front suspension.
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i'm looking for a dynamic analysis such as cornering and acceleration analysis for a front suspension
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Please answer me !!
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RIght now analysis templates which need are available for full vehicle.
I am checking for front suspension alone.
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You cannot perform dynamic analysis such as cornering for a front suspension alone, you can do such analysis for a full vehicle model.
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The problem is that i have inertial matrix values for front suspension, not for the rear suspension. So when i perform analysis for full vehicule it shows this ERROR message : At time=5.403E+00 the integrator failed to proceed.
----------- Possible Causes -----------------------------------------------------
(1) The integration has become unstable. Tighten (decrease) integr_tol, h_max,
or both in Param_Transient can help stabilize the integration. If the simulation
contains distinctive phases, use multiple Simulate, each with its
own proper integrator parameter setting, to selectively tighten the tolerance
during the period where instability is encountered.
(2) If the simulation was terminated because stepsize has diminished consistently
below h_min, reduce h_min in Param_Transient to force integration to continue.
(3) Non-physical inertia properties, such as mass=100 Kg and Ixx=Iyy=Izz=1 Kg*mm^2,
or extremely small inertia on a part with an unconstrained degree of freedom.
Make sure the modeling data, in particular the part inertia and the gravity, are
specified in proper units consistent with the units given in Param_Unit element.
(4) Beam, flexible body goes out of linear range, bushing has large rotation along
more than one axis, curve goes out of its interpolation range, higher-pair joint
goes out of the range of U or V, etc. Make sure fundamental modeling assumptions,
such as rigid contact assumption used in Force_Contact, are not violated.
(5) Motion displacement defined using LINSPL, AKISPL in dynamic analysis, or as a
function of model states (DX, VX etc), as well as forces defined as a function of
other forces, can cause hard convergence and integrator failure. Avoid these
modeling practices wherever possible.How can i solve the problem while i don't have inertial matrix values of the rear suspension ?