How to get the entered value as a variable in the table

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

proc SetValueCallback { row col value } {
puts '$value'
return true
proc GetValueList {col row} {
::hwtk::dialog .d -title '::hwtk::table'
set table [::hwtk::table [.d recess].table]
pack $table -fill both -expand true
$table columncreate int -type int -text 'Integer' -validatecommand 'SetValueCallback %I %C %V'
$table columncreate double -type real -text 'Double' -validatecommand 'SetValueCallback %I %C %V'
$table columncreate color -type intcolor -image palette-16.png -validatecommand 'SetValueCallback %I %C %V'
$table columncreate city -type combobox -text 'Combobox' -valuelistcommand 'GetValueList city' -validatecommand 'SetValueCallback %I %C %V'
$table columncreate string -text 'String' -validatecommand 'SetValueCallback %I %C %V'
for {set j 1} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
set color [expr {int(rand()*64)}]
set values 'int $j double $j.0 color $color city Troy string {String value $j}';
$table rowinsert end row$j -values $values
.d post
proc accept_func {args} {
tk_messageBox -message 'You can have any function defined for this button' -title 'Accept Function' -icon info
the question is not clear
a table widget has a variable, so get variable name by
set table_var [$table cget -variable]
=> so cell value is stored in $table_var($row,$col)