Multiple Dynamic Max Values

I would like to determine the maximum stress that each individual component experiences during a crash simulation however, when I try to do this in post processing I can only analyze one component at a time or the maximum stress across several components but not each one individually. Ideally I am looking to plot several graphs (one for each component) of the maximum dynamic stress against time. Is this possible without putting each new graph + component on a separate page.
Further to this I would then like to evaluate this stress value to the material yield point, is there a way of looking up this information on hyperview / extracting it from the .out or .rad file and inserting it into a note on the graph?
Hello Robert,
I will check if there is a way to plot graphs for all component after the analysis. But you can add output blocks to components to request stress which will be written to T01 file.
Use this file to plot stresses for component in HyperGraph.