Heating Elements

Hello everyone,
I have a few questions regarding HyperXtrude 17 that I would like to ask.
Is it possible to perform a parameter study (DOE) with HyperXtrude? I would like to automatically perform simulations with varied process parameters (for example: ram speed, workpiece temperature, tool temperature) without having to set up each time the simulation manually.
Regarding the JobManager: what is the difference between the 4 solver hosts that I can choose from?
I am also trying to use heating elements in the container. I would like the heating/ cooling to start after a certain time. However, I am not so sure how to define the function in the GRF-File.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Hi Cbertoli,
These are advanced topics. We can certainly help you with this. Can you please provide your contact information. One of our support engineer will contact you.