Hypermesh External API

What do you mean 'not getting success'?
You should find out the cause first instead of searching a new one.
I did that example and it works!
Check your VS version, it must be compatible with the one built HM
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Can you please share the demo code which worked for you and the process to link the library files?
I'm getting the following Error: 'module machine type 'x86' conflicts with target machine type 'x64' ' . I tried to get Visual studio 64-bit, but didn't get, so how you did? Whether you had tried with 32-bit hypermesh?
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Demo code is in hm folder
Everything targets to x64.
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I did in the same way you suggested, but now there's another issue, debugging is taking a lot of time.
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That means you did something wrong.
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I'll share the below code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>#include 'hm_extapi.h'
#include 'hm_extapi_error.h'HM_ExtAPI* xAPI = NULL;
void open_api();
void close_api();int main()
open_api();bool model = false;
model = xAPI->ImportModel(HM_ExtAPI::AUTO, 'D:\veer\HM Files\HSG.stp', true);
printf('model value is %B\n',model);
scanf('Enter something to continue');
return 0;
}void open_api()
int err_code;printf('Opening API...\n');
xAPI = Open_HM_ExtAPI(&err_code);
if (err_code != ERR_XAPI_SUCCESS)
{printf('Error \n');
printf('API ready.\n');
}void close_api()
if (xAPI)
printf('Closing API...\n');
Close_HM_ExtAPI(xAPI, true);
printf('API closed.\n');
}I have linked the required library and header files, and trying to run simple code to import the model,
Can you please briefly share the whole process?
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What is your result?
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Hey Tinh,
I was able to create session of hypermesh. Can I get the Id's of components , surfaces only using external api functions?
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Yes, you can do it. I don't remember the functions, search it in samples
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