Sorting of Nodes and Elements
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
I have an objective to print the mininmum and Maximum node & element id's of some 20 assemblies in a file.
I have to neglect the nodes shared between other assemblies.
But the problem is when i filter the other assembly nodes in my mark the nodes count is correct. but the min & max id's are not coming correct ,
So i used the sort option like
set nodord [lsort -increasing $nodeList]
But when i saw this list some nodes are not in order. and for some assemblies it'll change in descending order..
Is there any other order to sort.
Help me on this!!!!
indicate that ids list is an integer list
set nodord [lsort -integer -increasing $nodeList]
0 -
Thanks for the Reply!!!
It Worked fine..