Meshing a joined assembly from solidworks

I am trying to mesh a cylinder with internal profile. I have created a design space and non design space separately in solidworks. I joined them into a new part and imported it into hypermesh. I am able to select design and non-design spaces very easily.
The problem is with meshing. I think there are duplicate surfaces and free edges which created. So I have been trying this since long and it is giving meshing errors.
When I do tetrameshing, a temp 2d element component is created.
I tried equivalence, removing free edges and T connections. Still not able to resolve. I wanted to try deleting duplicate syrfaces, but it gives an error saying surfaces attached to solids cannot be deleted. Is there any way to mesh this model.
I have attached the .hm file here
THanks in advance.
looks like you just have solid geoemtry, in any case you can go to delete and delete solids > uncheck delete bounding surfaces > to be left with just surfaces to edit.
you will have to try different element sizes as well, along with the other parameters in the tetrameshing panel.