Normalization of output variables

Hi all,
how can I normalize the results with respect to the max of the results?
For instance, I have a contour plot of the Von Mises stress of a mechanical indentation simulation.
I want to compare this to a different simulation, so I would like to end up with a normalized contour plot.
I have tried using the Expression Builder but haven't succeeded yet.
I was trying something like STRESS / max( STRESS ), for all loadcases ==> T3.C7 / max( T3.C7, T3.C7 )
Does anyone have a clue?
Best regards,
You can perhaps create an derived loadcase first of all the max values, using the envelope load case and then further operate using the expression builder,
See in Help - HyperWorks Desktop Applications > HyperView > HyperView Tutorials > Result Data Analysis:
HV-3090: Creating Envelope Loadsteps