Yes, it is possible. Here are some snippets to read/write to the BULG_UNSUPPORTED_CARDS. Just a disclaimer, haven't try all the code below.
check that the card exists.
set cards [ hm_entitylist cards name ]
set exists [ lsearch $cards 'BULK_UNSUPPORTED_CARDS' ]
if {$exists != '' } {
puts stdout 'BULK_UNSUPPORTED_CARDS exists'
}if it does not exists, you need to create it...
*cardcreate 'BULK_UNSUPPORTED_CARDS'To get the names of the cards, see http://www.altairhyperworks.com/(S(3fu2zyrlbyi03xcofiue25jd))/hwhelp/Altair/hw11.0/help/hwd/hwd.htm?control_cards.htm
Get the number of unsupported cards
set numOfUnsupportedCards [ hm_getentityvalue cards 'BULK_UNSUPPORTED_CARDS' '\$Bulk_NumUnsupportedCards' 0 ]then you loop thru all the lines that the card have
for { set i 1 } { $i <= $numOfUnsupportedCards } { incr i } {
set line [ hm_attributearrayvalue cards BULK_UNSUPPORTED_CARDS Bulk_UnsupportedCards $i ]
# you may want to append to a list;
}to write to the card, you need to tell HM how many unsupported cards you have as an integer attribute update and also, you need to update a string array attribute of the card. It think is as follows
set bulk_unsupported_id [ hm_getentityvalue cards 'BULK_UNSUPPORTED_CARDS' id 0 -byname ]
set num_unsupported_lines [ llength $data_list ]
*attributeupdateint cards $bulk_unsupported_id 4080 1 0 0 $num_unsupported_lines
eval *createstringarray $num_unsupported_lines $data_list
*attributeupdatestringarray cards $bulk_unsupported_id 4081 1 2 0 1 $num_unsupported_linesthe list data_list includes the data you want to add to the unsupported card.
Hope this help. Some time a Altair AE explained me how to edit the cards. Aren't the Altair AE awesome?
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Thank you so much, cesar.rivas !