Error 3978: Internal FEKO error. Please notify...

This error can be encountered sometimes during the running of the FEKO solver.
The error number can also be a different number. This error is encountered when the FEKO kernel stops running due to an unexpected problem in the FEKO code. Although this error may sometimes be related to a user input error, this error should not be given at all, regardless of user input. If this error was due to user input, a more descriptive error message should be given to help the user fix the problem.
To resolve this problem, users should first check to see if any updates are available. It could be that the problem had been encountered before and that an update/fix has been made available for it.
If the up-to-date FEKO version still gives the error message, then users should contact FEKO Support and forward the model files (if possible) that cause the error.