Spitting Geometry

Geom => surface edit
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Altair Forum User said:
Geom => surface edit
I've got a complex .hm after importing from a CAD file and the model is currently a single surface. Any tips on how I could separate it into 2 surfaces?
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In 'surface exit' panel you have a lot of method to split your surface: by plan, by another surface, by line, by nodes,...
Show us exactly what do you want by sharing your model, if it's possible.
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I can't unfortunately but the situation I have is quite simple really. I've got a complex 3d solid model which is composed of many surfaces. I would just like to join together a few of these surfaces to make an enclosed volume and then join the remaining surfaces to make another enclosed volume. Then, I can mesh each of these volume separately, which is me end-goal.
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If you have a solid body the you should use Solid edit option in geometry page.Soild are associated with surfaces.
In your model if you have some missing surfaces the please follow below steps:
1. delete solid using delete panel.once you delete solid only surfaces would be left.
2. Generate surface using surface creation option in geometry page or surface editing using surface edit option.
3. Once surface is enclosed ,, green colour topology line will appear in entire geometry.
4. Go to solid panel and generate solid using bounding surfaces.
Hope this hepls.If you still find difficulty please share file through below ftp link.
Rahul R