Modify PBAR beamsection (TCL)

I am trying to modify a group of Nastran PBAR property groups in Hypermesh via an automated tcl script. I am trying to change the beam sections of all the pbar properties groups I have stored. I have tried using a script with the line as follows (in an iterative manner):
*setvalue props id=<some_pbar_prop_id> 3186={beamsects <id_of_new_beam_sect>}
While there is no error output, the property card is not updated and the beam section displayed in the GUI is not correct.
I am not 100% sure the entity attribute 3186 is correct for pbar beamsections: is there a file or section of the HyperWorks guide listing these id's? I have not been able to find this information.
Additionally, I am unsure if the STATUS value needs to be modified in this instance. I have tried the following, also to no avail:
*setvalue props id=<some_pbar_prop_id> STATUS=2 3186={beamsects <id_of_new_beam_sect>}
*setvalue props id=<some_pbar_prop_id> 3186={beamsects <id_of_new_beam_sect>} STATUS=2
my beam sections are already defined and are not being generated in the script.
Any help resolving this would be greatly appreciated!
Don't you find 3186 in command.cmf when you interactively update PBAR?
Attribute ID 3186 stores beam section id for PBEAM, not PBAR
for PBAR, use attribute 3179
*setvalue props id=$PropId STATUS=2 3179=$BeamSectId
Attributes are defined in template file 'attribs'
To check what attribute ID is, use command
hm_attributenamefromid $AttributeId
But all you need are follow command.cmf
0 -
That did the trick!
I was not aware of the command.cmf file. Seems quite handy for replicating commands.
Thanks for the help!