How does FEKO measure gain? I have a turnstile antenna design that uses a 90degree hybrid coupler (touchstone imported from the manufacturer) and two transmission line delay elements which produces gains from -24dBi to -33dBi, but when I attach equivalent sources instead of the coupler I see the expected 6dBi to -4dBi. I can't figure out why.
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Dear chuffine
While I cannot specifically see what might be causing your problem, I can suggest a test that might help:
In a FEKO model that only includes your feed network (no antenna geometry and ports), request an S-parameter calculation between your network input port (Hybrid.Port1 I assume) and your four output ports (Feed_0.Port2, Feed_90.Port2, Balun.Port2 and Balun_1.Port2).
This should give you an indication if the network is functioning as expected or not.
Johan H