Find corner nodes of a mesh

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hey guys,


do you have an idea what the best way is in order to find corner nodes of a curved mesh? I want to find the yellow nodes automatically by using a tcl script.

A few hints would already be helpful. Thank you for your help.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>picture.png



  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited March 2016

    Hi, there are several ways to do. below are some hints for you (suppose that you isolated only this comp)

    - the node is belong to only 1 elem, so you can loop through displayed nodes, and check number of elems attached, by *createmark elems 1 'by  node'

    (this loop is long if your comp is big, so use a template code is better than tcl)

    - the node is on free edge (feature), and at breaking angle ~90D, so you can create feature with beaking angle 80D, search for nodes nearby breaking points (ends of feature lines)

    - create a surf 'From FE', the nodes will be at fixed points of surf

    - get geometry box of this comp and search for nodes nearby corners of geometry box

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2016

    Hey Tinh,

    thank you very much for your help! :-)

    Cheers, Michael