Need Help Validating Design Space - Inspire 9.0

I got a few issues using Inspire 9.0:
I m designing a single Solidworks part - produced out of a mold with a dedicated wall thickness.
The outside freeform surface cant be modified and is fix.
I m searching for a optimized rib structure and thickness on the inside surface.
Is there any way you would suggest to solve that problem?
thanks and all the best
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Hallo Peter,
gibt es einen Grund, dass du noch mit Inspire 9.0 arbeitest? Die aktuelle Version ist Inspire 2015!
Zu Deiner Frage:
Du musst zwei Bereiche definieren: Die äußere Schale sowie das innere Volumen. Dieses Volumen dient als Designspace in der folgenden Optimierung.
Eine Rippenstruktur erhälst du, indem du Auszugsrichtungen auf den Designspace anwendest.
Im Trainingsbereich auf unserer Webseite findest du einige Videos, welche ich Dir empfehlen kann um Dich weiter in die Thematik einzuarbeiten.
Besten Gruß
Hi Peter,
is there a reason, you are still using Inspire 9.0? You are up to date with Inspire 2015!
Referring to your question:
You need to define two different areas: One designspace inside your part, and one around which is nondesign. You'll get nice ribs if you work with drawdirections in the designspace.
You'll find further informations in the training area on our website, I would recommend!
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Hey Felix,
thanks for getting back that fast!
I m using this older version because of my old OS.
I have already watched a few training videos. In most them the 'non design space' is replaced by new geometry after import - these samples solidthinking uses are very simple and easy to replace (no freeform) - there seems no way to simply 'define' from my point of view (?)
Have I dismiseed a button? Is Inspire 9.0 even able to do it?
thanks and all the best
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The more complex your geometry is, the more time you have to spend on seperating your geometry in design- and nondesign space.
If you have to work with freeforms, try to create the nondesign- and designspace in your CAD system. Inspire will detect two parts in your assembly you can work with.
Please reply to my private message!