How can I know/evaluate if 3 selected nodes are defining a face of an element before I got an error?

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

Altair Forum User said:
I´m defining contact surfaces but if the user don´t select 3 nodes that define a face of an element (C3D10M) I get en error and stop my script.
I wonder if is there a tcl funtion/command to evaluate if 3 nodes are defining a face.
Does someone have an idea? thank you.
to check if 3 nodes already marked:
if {[hm_marklength nodes 1]==3} {....}
but you have to check this 3 selected nodes are belonged to an outer face of solid elem, means you have to create face (*findface), mark nodes by face (*createmark 'by face')
then check mark for the 3 nodes (hm_checkmark)
it is complex and not neccessary if you are sure that only error relate to these 3 nodes, you can catch it (catch) then inform user to select them again