SPCs not exported to an .fem file

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Dear all,


I noticed that sometimes the SPC that I have defined on geometric entities (points) are not exported from HyperMesh to the .fem file for OptiStruct. I am using the OptiStruct user profile in HyperMesh.


1. I defined the SPC on geometry-points. Then I export it. These SPCs do not appear in .fem file. In HyperMesh I noticed that, after exporting, for SPCs that are defined on lines, the triangle symbol appears now on every node, not just once as when I defined the SPCs.


2. I defined the SPC on geometry-points. Then I did Geometry/Edit/Nodes/Associate to associate the geometry-points with the existing nodes of  the mesh. The SPCs still do not appear in the .fem file. Again, the triangle symbols appeared on every corresponding node of the SPCs in HyperMesh.


3. Continuing directly from the situation of Step 2, I hit 'Export' again to create another .fem file but without changing anything else. Just doing the export twice. Now, the SPCs that were defined on the geometry-points in the beginning, are also written in the .fem file.


Why is this happening and what should I do to prevent it?


EDIT: I am using the 'Export: All' option.





PS. I cannot send you the model due to non-disclosure.



  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2015

    SPC created on geometry will not be exported, it has to be on nodes i.e. FE entities.


    Or you may have to use loads on geom, analysis > loads on geom > select the SPC load collector > map loads