Average Temperatures of area or volume
Dear colleagues,
I would like calculate the average temperature of some 2D or 3D 2nd order elements . In preprocessor Patran I had a build-in API to get all the area or volume wheights of selected nodes. You simply had to sum up all the 'wheights*Temp'-values. In HyperMesh I do not. Has anybody an idea how to deal with this problem? Average results of a selected sets of elements should not be a very special demand. Or is there something bulit-in in HyperView?
Altair Forum User said:
You can try script 1262 from script exchange in Hyperview.
Sorry, but this script simply adds all node values and devides by numver of nodes.
This makes only sense in a mesh with all elements having exactlx the same size.
If you have one big element (node temps 600K), and 3 very small (700K), result must be slightly higher than 600, not near 700.
I need the weight factors for every node in 2nd order elements (2D or 3D)!
Any ideas?