RAM Usage in Feko

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited 2020 04 in Community Q&A

I am running a simulation using 128 RAM workstation, Feko only using 12 GB of RAM, How can I increase it?



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2018 22

    Hi Ben,


    FEKO ties to minimise the amount of RAM that is used. Is there a reason why you want to use more RAM?

    The easiest way to increase RAM usage is to use a finer mesh - but deepening on how you originally set up the mesh, there may not be any improvement in accuracy doing this. Have a look through some of the other posts on the forum on mesh convergence studies to get more details. 




  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited 2018 23

    I am running a simulation using 128 RAM workstation, Feko only using 12 GB of RAM, How can I increase it?


    What's about your simulation size? Number of node/elements?

    If your model is NOT-BIG-ENOUGH, that's logic the simulation needs small memory, right?


  • danielagu1
    danielagu1 Altair Community Member
    edited 2019 01

    Is there a case whereby FEKO only allowed 12GB, but his simulation needed at least 25GB of RAM (or in-core memory) to run on his 128GB RAM computer?

  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited 2020 15

    Please see the reply here.