3D model in hyper mesh and export it

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

I have problem in meshing a part with hypermesh. my model have sharps edges and too many holes. when I used Volume Tetra to mesh my model, after two day processing all model have 2D mesh and there is not any 3D model. By the way when I want export this model with inp format, out put file is 1Kb and nothing is not exported. these Procedure answered for an other model but is not working for my model.
I have problem in meshing a part with hypermesh. my model have sharps edges and too many holes. when I used Volume Tetra to mesh my model, after two day processing all model have 2D mesh and there is not any 3D model. By the way when I want export this model with inp format, out put file is 1Kb and nothing is not exported. these Procedure answered for an other model but is not working for my model.
Please do geometry cleanup & give a try with volume tetra. looks like you have very thin model & it should not take much time for meshing.
Rahul R
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It's easier to help if you could share the model.