Edit Single Obj in Replicate Output

After using the Replicate command, there is a single object in the World Browser that contains all of the copies. I can use Edit Points Mode to transform any of the copies' control points, but how do I transform a whole copy without breaking the construction tree? Sometimes I need to scale, rotate or nudge an object.
To transform the shape all copies of the replicate, you have edit the source object. To translate, move or scale the replicate copies, do the following:
- Select the replicate object
- Hit enter
- You will notice two pivots- replicate pivot and source pivot.
- Select the source pivot and you can apply translate, rotate and scale transformations on the replicate pivot.
Hope this was helpful.
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In this scenario, 29 of the children are perfect, but one is askew and needs to be rotated. Its center was a moment before a sharp increase in curvature.
In Edit Points, is there a way to select one point, then automatically grab all of it's points? Editing a child's points works just fine, but I can't grab all of them by hand because the neighboring children (who also have their points on) are too close.
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Can you post a picture or the file here for me to understand more clearly as to what is going on?
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Replicate orients the child object to the mathematically (but not aesthetically) correct curve normal given the obj's center. It is a moment before a rapid curvature change.
I can edit the child object's points to rotate and translate to the aesthetically correct position.
With more complex geometry, it's hard to grab all of the points for a single child object. The neighboring points are included with a window selection. I'd rather be able to select sub objs in a child objs collections. Either that, or grab all points based on 1 would suffice.
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I understand this scenario very well now. Thanks for posting the images. I will definitely discuss this issue with our development team.