seam angeld capped T connector

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

hi Mr Rahul, my name Azam from Malaysia and I would like to shared my problem while doing seam-quad angled capped T connector. I want to create this joint type on both side of plate but some errors just happen. For your information I am using 2D shell element. here I attached some picture that u can refer. I want to create double seam joint on same element which mean both side of element but its show that 'Quad transition error'. I try to used 3D solid element but fail to realize the seam connector. I really hope you can help me to figure it out this problem. thanks,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Please try same in latest version 14.0.Also try with setting instead of quad transition to remesh option in current version.