how to modify hexa mesh
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
I am newbie for solid meshing.
I imported *.inp file which is hexahedral meshed by 3rd program.
After I imported it, it looks like, the model is composed of bunch of elements. (no solid, no surface, no nodes..)
and some of the elements are missing and not in the right shape.
How can I convert elements to solid.. so that I can modify solid mesh?
and how to modify????
I understood that now you have only meshed component, But don't have any surfaces or solids. That means u want to create surfaces from the existing elements.
If I understood correctly just do as follows.
Go to Geom>surfaces>Surface from elements>Select the displayed elements any try
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File .inp is FEA input of Abaqus ?
Are you sure that file contains geometrical entities ?