corrugated steel plates - pressure in radial direction

Dear all,
I am modelling a silo structure, that is loaded in horizontal direction. Walls of the silo are made of corrugated steel plates. How can I set pressure, that is not normal to the elements, as some elenents are not vertical - corrugated plates. I though that it would be possible to set is through creation of the cylindrical system, but it doesnt work.
For fast question thanks!
And one more complication, as it is circular silo, it should be in radial direction...
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why dont you try with forces on nodes?
Rahul R
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I can try, I was not thinking about it at the moment.
Regards, Lukas
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Maybe try PLOAD4 card with a cylindrical system ?
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Well guys, I am still trying all the options, advices you recommended me I have tried the first. I have to mention that I am using ANSYS enviroment, so there is not PLOAD4 option.
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PLOAD4 is the pressure model for OptiStruct. PRESSURE is the card for ANSYS. Please try that.
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At the moment, for me the best solution of the problem is to simple set nodal forces in cylindrical CS. Thanks guys for support, see you soon here on the forum. Have a nice time during Christmas!
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Nodal forces is a simple solution. Not sure that's 'the best'
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If your mesh is very regular QUAD, you can compute easily nodal force from pressure. Be ware about that if you work with not regular TRIA mesh.
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That is definitely true. Fortunately my mesh is very very regular, still for the cost of the high amount of quad elements. Whatever, I am happy that I have solution for my problem, maybe I will play a little bit, but important is to have a solution for problem.