find attached node
There is no direct command, you will have to come up with an algorithm using poIModel GetSelectionSetHandle
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If direct command not available, need to built one.
I am not able to come up with logic to get find attached,
nothing seem conman
any body have any suggestion on logic?
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Try finding adjacent elems and then find attached nodes of them
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I can take element id (primary element)
find adjacent as tinh suggested, and find nodes attached to them.
however I need nodes from adjacent element only attached to primary element given in first step, how would I filter other nodes?
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first take 4 nodes of primary element => store in NodeList1
then find adjacent elems
then find attached nodes of them => store in NodeList2
now take nodes in NodeList2 but not in NodeList1
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Altair Forum User said:
first take 4 nodes of primary element => store in NodeList1
then find adjacent elems
then find attached nodes of them => store in NodeList2
now take nodes in NodeList2 but not in NodeList1
you did not get my question correctly, I might have mislead you somewhere.
I do not want entire NodeList2, I need only nodes which are attched to NodeList1.
In fact to go in more details, I need to process entire NodeList1.
Suppose my element id is x
corresponding to this id x I will find attached nodes (suppose for hex element, nodes =8) node ids [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]
Now for each node from above set I need to find attached node from adjacent element and find distance from it
For node id 1 (first node from list), need to find attached nodes and find distance between node id 1 and all attached nodes
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OK. I see
first find all elems attached with element x, for example you find (e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6)
now do a loop for each NodeId in ids [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ] of x :
- find which elems (e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6) have this NodeId, by with each element => get its nodes => and search for NodeId, if found => measure distance
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Hello everyone,
I am still working on above mentioned script.
I am stuck at following point
Now I can get node numbers, I have two node numbers, how do I measure distance between two nodes. (I am working with poIPost AddMeasure not able to figure out how it works)
does anybody have any reference example for same?
have created following codes please review
I want distance between nodes 519626 and 519457
client_handle GetModelHandle m [client_handle GetActiveModel]
client_handle AddMeasure distance
distance Distance Between
distance AddNode '1 519626 519457 %1'
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found solution on measure
thank you
/emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />
::post::GetPostHandle post1
##To create a distance between measures and plot it:
set measure_Dist [post1 AddMeasure]
post1 GetMeasureHandle Dist $measure_Dist
Dist SetType 'distance between'
set model_id 1
Dist AddNode '$model_id 519625'
Dist AddNode '$model_id 519457'
Dist GetValueList mag
post1 RemoveMeasure $measure_Dist
Dist ReleaseHandle
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Hello Everyone,
found a simple way to find attached nodes
with this can easily find the find attached nodes
::post::GetActiveModelHandle m
##unset TempMasterElementNodes
m GetSelectionSetHandle TempAdjMasterElementNodes [m AddSelectionSet node]
#add all nodes attached to the current selection
TempAdjMasterElementNodes Add 'id $kk '
TempAdjMasterElementNodes Add 'adjacent'
TempAdjMasterElementNodes Subtract 'id $kk '
TempAdjMasterElementNodes GetList0