need a second set of eyes on script

I am geting a 'invalid command name' error when running the following script. It works fine if I take the procedure away and just run the script stand alone. This script is intended to create a vector at a node from geoms, split into components and name them based on x,y,z (havent added this last part yet).
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you,
Tcl script error (Tcl/Tk Script) : invalid command name
while executing
'vector_geoms $entyp $n $en $l'
invoked from within
'set test [vector_geoms $entyp $n $en $l]'
(file 'C:/Users/clay.reakes/Documents/default working
directory/coding/tools/vctr_gms-test.tcl' line 9)
invoked from within
'source {C:/Users/clay.reakes/Documents/default working
('uplevel' body line 1)
invoked from within
'# Compiled -- no source code available
error 'called a copy of a compiled script''
(procedure '::hw::RunTclTkScpt' line 1)
invoked from within
'::hw::RunTclTkScpt 222'
*createmarkpanel nodes 1 'select node'
set n [hm_getmark nodes 1]
*createmarkpanel surf 1 'select surf'
set en [hm_getmark surf 1]
set entyp 'surf'
set l 'test'
set test [vector_geoms $entyp $n $en $l]
proc vector_geoms {entyp n en l} {
*createmark $entyp 1 $en
*createmark nodes 1 $n
*geomvectorcreate $entyp 1 1 -1 1 0 0
*createmark vector 1 -1
set $l [hm_getmark vector 1]
set name $
append name $l
puts [subst $$name]
foreach a [Iist x y z] {
set l_ $l
append l_ _
append l_ $a
set cmp $a
append cmp comp
set $l_ [hm_getentityvalue vector [subst $$name] \'$cmp\' 0]
puts $l_
(had to replace l in list with an i because of forum formatting)
please move 'proc vector_geom ..' to the begining of tcl file
any tcl proc must be defined before invoked
0 -
Altair Forum User said:
please move 'proc vector_geom ..' to the begining of tcl file
any tcl proc must be defined before invoked
haha worked perfectly! thank you!!