Example Guide Model Files

Benjamin Joemann_20337
Benjamin Joemann_20337 Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A



My name is Benjamin, and I am currently using Optistruct for my masters thesis in the aviation sector. My work will incorporate a topology optimization with two materials, for which I am now trying to learn as much as possible about the software.


This led me to the help section of Optistruct where I found the two tutorials:


-OS-E: 0896 Multi-Material Topology Optimization of Automotive Cradle

-OS-E: 0897 Multi-Material Topology Optimization of Automotive Chassis


Unfortunately, as I understand it so far, the model files are not delivered with the student version of Hypermesh/Optistruct. Could you provide the files for me?


If you can think of yay further resources for Multi Material Topology Optimization I would be very thankful! A big question I am asking myself right now would be if there is a possibility to define the interface between the two materials used, e.g. by a stress constrain which should account for an adhesive stress limit.


Best regards,

