Logic to Select nearby nodes (of shellmesh) to which hexa is projected? See the image.
Hi, Please help me to sort this issue.
I have created a vector using the above code. by createmark nodes 1 'by cylinder' option is selecting nodes of wrong component. Vector is created using two nodes shown in the figure by red arrow.
# Select Node of hexa to calculate
############################*createmarkpanel nodes 1
set nids [hm_getmark nodes 1]
# Select all Nodes of hexa
*createmark nodes 2 displayed
set nd [hm_getmark nodes 2]
*createmark elements 1 displayed
set eled [hm_getmark nodes 1]
# Calculate coordinates of hexa node selected
set x1 [hm_getentityvalue nodes $nids 'x' 0]
set y1 [hm_getentityvalue nodes $nids 'y' 0]
set z1 [hm_getentityvalue nodes $nids 'z' 0]
*createmark nodes 1 {*}$nd
hm_createmark elems 1 'by config' hex8
*createmark nodes 2 $nids
set cln [hm_getclosestnode $x1 $y1 $z1 1 2]
puts $cln############################
# Create Vector
############################set x2 [hm_getentityvalue nodes $cln 'x' 0]
set y2 [hm_getentityvalue nodes $cln 'y' 0]
set z2 [hm_getentityvalue nodes $cln 'z' 0]
*createmark nodes 1 'by cylinder' $x1 $y1 $z1 $x2 $y2 $z2 10 1 inside 0 1 0
*nodemarkaddtempmark 1
set cnd [hm_getmark nodes 1]puts 'The selected node: $nids and Closest node: $cln'
puts 'the nodes are $cnd'0