Simlab: Output applied load and reaction force summary

This turns out really easy in Simlab. Simply create a text file for input/output with the following:
Near bottom the output *.out file, look for:
Subcase: 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Label x-force y-force z-force x-moment y-moment z-moment -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sum-App. -1.893E+04 8.693E+04 -7.083E-12 -8.721E+06 -1.899E+06 1.942E+07 Sum-SPCF 1.893E+04 -8.693E+04 1.052E-05 8.721E+06 1.899E+06 -1.942E+07 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: 1. All applied and SPC forces are transferred to the origin of the basic coordinate system, so that the applied and SPC loads can match. 2. If spring elements and/or MPCs exist in the model, total applied loads may not match total SPC loads. 3. If axisymmetric elements are present in the model, the total x-force and y-force and all the total moments are set to zero, according to principles of axisymmetric analysis. 4. If periodic boundary conditions exist in the model, total applied loads may not match total SPC loads.
In Hypermesh, I believe there are check boxes for outputs for same function.
I just ran cases without the TEXT definitions in Input/Output section for OLOAD and SPCFORCE.
(1) No output requests, whatever Optistruct elects to output
This produces no OLOAD or SPCFORCE output
(2) Output Requests for OLOAD = True, and SPCFORCE = solver defaults
OLOAD =ALL shows in case control, SPCFORCE does not
no applied force and reaction force summary table is generated
i.e. SPCFORCE = solver defaults 'negates' OLOAD=True
(3) Output Requests for OLOAD = no selection, SPCFORCE = Optistruct default
This generates fem input 'SPCFORCE = OPTI', but no OLOAD exists in fem file.
both OLOAD and SPCFORCE are output to *.out by SPCFORCE=OPTI
Subcase: 1
Label x-force y-force z-force x-moment y-moment z-moment
Sum-App. 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 -4.448E+03 -3.107E+05 5.544E+05 0.000E+00
Sum-SPCF 9.364E-09 5.022E-10 4.448E+03 3.103E+05 -5.555E+05 -1.518E+03
--------------------------------------------------------------------------4) Output Requests for OLOAD = no selection, SPCFORCE = ALL default
This generates fem input 'SPCFORCE = ALL', but no OLOAD exists in fem file.
both OLOAD and SPCFORCE are output to *.out by SPCFORCE=OPTI
Hence, once SPCFORCE = OPTI or ALL, both applied and reaction force summary table is created in *.out
Best way to assure applied and reaction force without thinking which combination produces what,
simply insert OLOAD and SPCFORCE in Text Data for Loads and Contraints tab. Works every time.