Component name look up for connectors

Vlad VB
Vlad VB Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


    Can some one help me with dissecting component names. I have a multiple assemblies one has components other has weld lines. Weld lines have base components name in it.

Example  of a weld line component name  

    2 layer line                     

                LA7273333/2-012234 WLD LNS (X02704/X03430)   

    3 layer line

                LA72733425/2-010104 WLD LNS (X513A12/X02704/X03430)

Example of components names 

                   AA6383837/5-XXXX-X02704-A (PLR FRT uPPER RR FRONT)

                  AA671617033/5-XXXX-X03430-A (SHLD HDR REINF)

                  LAA6716635/4-XXXX-X513A12-A (RL RF SD FRT LHS)


I would like to look inside the weld line assembly pull out a name of the weld line sort 2 layer of 3 layer based on name inside the ( ), use the naming inside ( ) from a line name, find the components and create a connector. 


Thank you for any help




  • llyle_20499
    llyle_20499 New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2020

    Hi Vlad, 


    you can refer below for an idea on how to do this. 


     set lst_weldcompData [list 'LA7273333/2-012234 WLD LNS (X02704/X03430)' 'LA72733425/2-010104 WLD LNS (X513A12/X02704/X03430)'] set lst_components [list 'AA6383837/5-XXXX-X02704-A (PLR FRT uPPER RR FRONT)' 'AA671617033/5-XXXX-X03430-A (SHLD HDR REINF)' 'LAA6716635/4-XXXX-X513A12-A (RL RF SD FRT LHS)'] foreach str_weldcomp $lst_weldcompData {     set str_comp1 ''; set str_comp2 ''; set str_comp3 '';    set str_simplified [ regsub {\)} [lindex [split $str_weldcomp (] end] '']    lassign [split $str_simplified / ] str_tempcomp1 str_tempcomp2 str_tempcomp3;    puts '$str_tempcomp1 $str_tempcomp2 $str_tempcomp3'    if {$str_tempcomp1 != ''} {     set str_comp1 [lsearch -inline $lst_components *$str_tempcomp1*]    }    if {$str_tempcomp2 != ''} {     set str_comp2 [lsearch -inline $lst_components *$str_tempcomp2*]    }    if {$str_tempcomp3 != ''} {     set str_comp3 [lsearch -inline $lst_components *$str_tempcomp3*]    }    puts '$str_weldcomp has $str_comp1 , $str_comp2 , $str_comp3' }


  • Vlad VB
    Vlad VB Altair Community Member
    edited May 2020

    Question on creating a list based on the names. I'm trying to create a list (lst_weldcompData) for the components that I have in a model which contain WLD LNS with following 

    *createmark comps 1 'contains value' name WLD LNS* 1
    set lst_weldcompData [hm_getmark comps 1]


    I'm not getting anything from it 


    for the second list I will select all components which contain SHELL elements 


    proc Isolate2D {{opt all}} {
       *createmark elems 1 $opt
       *createmark elems 2 'by config' tria3 quad4
       *markintersection elems 1 elems 2
       if {[hm_marklength elems 1]} {*findmark elems 1 0 1 elems 0 2}
       *clearmark elems 1
       *clearmark elems 2
     *createmark comps 1 'displayed'

    set lst_components [hm_getmarkvalue comps 1 name 1];


    Thank you for all your help



  • llyle_20499
    llyle_20499 New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2020

    Hi Vlad,


    You can try:


         # search weld     set lst_compNames [hm_entitylist comps name]     set lst_weldcomps [lsearch -all -inline -glob $lst_compNames *WLD LNS*]      # search shell     *createmark elems 2 'by config' tria3 quad4     set lst_shellcomps [lsort -unique [hm_getvalue elems mark=2]]


  • Vlad VB
    Vlad VB Altair Community Member
    edited May 2020

    when I execute line 

     set lst_weldcomps [lsearch -all -inline -glob $lst_compNames *WLD LNS*]



    I get this error


    : must be -all, -ascii, -decreasing, -dictionary, -exact, -glob, -increasing, -index, -inline, -integer, -nocase, -not, -real, -regexp, -sorted, -start, or -subindices


    Thank you for your help

  • Vlad VB
    Vlad VB Altair Community Member
    edited May 2020

    its seems like its doesn't like Space in the 'WLD LNS' so naming of the component will need to change or is there a way around it?


    Thank you 

  • llyle_20499
    llyle_20499 New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2020

    yes, special characters like space ( ) will case issues. You write a script to rename all components by converting all special chars to _. 

  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited May 2020

    when I execute line 

     set lst_weldcomps [lsearch -all -inline -glob $lst_compNames *WLD LNS*]



    I get this error


    : must be -all, -ascii, -decreasing, -dictionary, -exact, -glob, -increasing, -index, -inline, -integer, -nocase, -not, -real, -regexp, -sorted, -start, or -subindices


    Thank you for your help


    Could you try again:

    set lst_weldcomps [lsearch -all -inline -glob $lst_compNames '*WLD LNS*']


    if '*WLD LNS*' has special character other than space, you can filter it by:

    set lst_weldcomps [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $lst_compNames {.*WLD[:space:]*LNS.*}]


    or if you are sure that component names don't have WLD and LNS then simply:

    set lst_weldcomps [lsearch -all -inline -glob $lst_compNames '*WLD*LNS*']


  • Vlad VB
    Vlad VB Altair Community Member
    edited May 2020


       Thank you both methods worked