PBS Professional 2022.1.6 is Now Available

Scott Campbell_21662
Scott Campbell_21662
Altair Employee
edited June 2024 in Altair HPCWorks

Hello, I am pleased to announce that PBS Professional version 2022.1.6 is now available for download on the PBS User Area and Altair Connect (Altair One Marketplace will be updated with the new version over night US time).


PBS Pro 2022.1.6 is a bug fix release.  The release includes the following important fixes:


HPCPBS-30539 resources_used cput and mem not being accrued/reported on ubuntu platform

HPCPBS-30509 Altering A Reservation At The Reservation Start-time Does Not Change Node State

HPCPBS-30482 Windows mom is down after making windows-linux cluster

HPCPBS-30472 Running exclusive reservation nodes showing as free if reconfirmed or altered

HPCPBS-30468 Sched Daemon Silently Crashes (aka cores)

HPCPBS-30392 node_sort_key with UNUSED is does not re-sort when you use placement sets

HPCPBS-30335 PBS Pro: Comm Daemon has a low limit for max. open files limiting connected mom daemons to circa 500

HPCPBS-30324 Job starter returns hang for minutes when server sends a lot of jobs to start on a node, delaying job starts for minutes

HPCPBS-30315 Unsetting attribute on all vnodes of multivnode host crashes server (e.g. pbsnodes -C "" <host>)

HPCPBS-30312 large pbs_comm network breaks too often (marks thousands of nodes down)

HPCPBS-30268 Race condition when setting dependencies on jobs when they are between stageout and finished states

HPCPBS-30061 Topology info truncated



