What's New in Altair Activate 2021.1
Altair Employee
Activate 2021.1 features a new FMU Editor, Modelica 3D Animation Viewer, and Modelica compiler version, plus updates to the Activate block library and co-simulation features!
Release Highlights
FMU Editor
The new FMU Editor lets you customize an FMU for a target audience.
Modelica 3D Animation Viewer
The new 3D Animation Viewer lets you animate models with Modelica Multibody blocks.
Modelica Compiler
A new version of the Modelica compiler offers improved handling of custom fluids, multibody models, FMU’s and more!
Embed Import Tool
The new Embed Import tool converts Embed diagrams into Activate diagrams.
OML Commands
New OML commands let you add menus and ribbons to the Activate User Interface.