Import Pressure Data from StarCCM+ to Hypermesh
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
Just as the title says,
I'm looking to import the pressure data I have gotten from Star CCM+ into Hypermesh so that I can get an accurate pressure profile on my airfoils. I have heard I needed a .out file but found that Star only exports as a .csv file. Any advice on how to do get this to work?
Can you describe a little bit more your final goal?
You want to use the pressures in AcuSolve? I just don't follow using 2 different cfd codes in your case.
Anyway, you could try the 'fields' entity created in model browser.
They allow you to read data from results or external models and map them into your current model.
Take a look at the documentation for 'fields', so it might help you.