Ethernet ID Changed and now license won't work

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

I recently got a new motherboard and wifi card in my computer, hence my ethernet ID has changed. However due to this change, my license for Altair does not work anymore. How can i rectify this? 

I have tried changing the ID in the altair_lic.dat file but it has not worked. 


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2020

    You will need a new license file tied to your new mac address.


  • Koushik Chandrashekhar_21806
    edited September 2020

    I recently got a new motherboard and wifi card in my computer, hence my ethernet ID has changed. However due to this change, my license for Altair does not work anymore. How can i rectify this? 

    I have tried changing the ID in the altair_lic.dat file but it has not worked. 




    Kindly re-register for Altair student edition here: using the new Ethernet ID.


    The Ethernet ID is the ID of your machine which is exactly 12 hexadecimal numbers. For example D4WRF478F398


    Run ipconfig/all in command window and check for physical address under Ethernet adapter local area connection:




    The listed physical address under Ethernet adapter local area connection should be used to generate the license file, if there is no listing of Ethernet adapter local area connection, the address under Wireless Adapter LAN Wifi must be used.