Optistruct error 9
I'm trying to run the Optistruct solver with a command line on Scilab, but the .out file accuses Error 9: ...security/altair_lic.dat - (Err: 9) Feature not found. If I run the same file through HiperWorks's applications, there isn't any error and the analysis goes right. I've tried to do what Merula said here:
but it didn't work for me. Anyone knows how can I solve this issue?
best regards,
Hi @Luís Felipe
What is the OS you are using and version of HyperWorks?
Can you re-check the command used, maybe it is pointing to a wrong folder?
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I'm using Windows 10 and my HyperWorks's version is 14-edu.
So, when I run a .fem file through HyperWorks applications and, after that, try to run it again through Scilab, the command line works and all the output files are displayed. The command line that I'm using is:
line5 = '''C:\Program Files\Altair\14.0-edu\hwsolvers\optistruct\bin\win64\optistruct_14.0_win64.exe '' '+diretorio+pasta+'\Temp\Input_Opti.fem ';
But I need to run it just in Scilab, or, at least, make all the process of importing the .fem file and running the analysis on HW controlled by it.
If I try to run it with this one:
line3 = '''C:\Program Files\Altair\14.0-edu\hwsolvers\scripts\optistruct.bat'' '+diretorio+pasta+'\Temp\Input_Opti.fem ';
The .out file accuses the Error 9, but in the both ways the .out file shows:
No available license.
OptiStruct ERROR: 1.
A fatal error has occurred in your model. Please refer to the .out
file to obtain more information on how to correct it.0 -
The HyperWorks student edition interfaces with solvers only through HyperMesh (HW Apps) and not through command line or solver manager,
Please solve the file through the apps itself,
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I need to run a PSO optimisation through Scilab, for my thesis. I need to change the properties of a composite material until I get the best ones. It's not a option to run the analysis manually for every each group of properties, it would take so much time. Is there a way that I can open the HW app, import the .fem file and run the analysis through the app, all by command line?